Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) can pose a threat to our aquatic biodiversity. They also cost the British Economy over £1.7 billion per year, ranging from loss of crops, damaged buildings and additional production costs, to the loss of livelihoods and ecosystem services. Prevention, is therefor much better than cure.

Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species (and other harmful organisms such as diseases) in the wild.

Below, you will find guidance on various aspects of biosecurity, largely drawn from the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website.

Check, Clean, Dry – Help stop the spread of invasive plants and animals in our waters!
Invasive plants and animals from all over the world have been introduced accidentally to British waters. Over fifty different freshwater species have already been found in our lakes, rivers and other waterways, and the numbers of new arrivals is increasing rapidly.

They cause serious environmental problems that can be irreversible, find out more here, and can interfere with the activities you enjoy by clogging propellers, damaging boats, blocking up waterways making it hard to fish or use them for paddling, and increasing the risk of flooding.

They can be small and hard to spot so are easily spread on damp equipment and clothing. You can help to protect the environment and activities you enjoy by keeping your kit free of invasive plants and animals.

Check your equipment, boat, and clothing after leaving the water for mud, aquatic animals or plant material. Remove anything you find and leave it at the site.
Clean everything thoroughly as soon as you can, paying attention to areas that are damp or hard to access. Use hot water if possible.
Dry everything for as long as you can before using elsewhere as some invasive plants and animals can survive for over two weeks in damp conditions.


The GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website provides specific guidance which can be accesses from the links below:

Guidance for Anglers

Guidance for Field Workers

Guidance for clubs and managers of waterbodies

Guidance for Boaters

Guidance for Paddlers