Cabinet Secretary launches Sustainable Rivers Audit as new Tweed season starts

Net Zero Secretary Màiri McAllan visited Kelso for the opening of the 2024 salmon fishing season on the Tweed and to launch the Sustainable Rivers Audit.

She joined the Duchess of Sutherland, the River Tweed Commission, River Tweed Foundation, The Tweed Forum, fishers and community members to mark the formal opening of the river before launching the Audit, which will help improve understanding of where management action needs to be taken to benefit wild salmon.

Màiri McAllan said: “I was very pleased to be in the Borders to take part in the opening of the 2024 season and to launch the Sustainable Rivers Audit.

“Atlantic salmon are one of our most iconic species and Scottish Government is committed to working with our partners, both domestic and international, to protect and restore populations.

“Free access to cold, clean water is essential for wild salmon. A year ago we published our Wild Salmon Strategy Implementation Plan which sets out over sixty actions to tackle the wide range of pressures on wild salmon, including planting riverside trees to protect rivers from rising temperatures and restoring natural river flows by removing weirs that are no longer in use.”