On Monday the Rivers and Lochs in the Classroom Project came to a close. Each of the schools have now released their trout alevins into local watercourses under licence from Marine Scotland Science. The project has been a fantastic experience for the children as they are introduced to how river system functions and the requirements of the species that inhabit them. There is also the added responsibility of caring for trout eggs and alevins and all the schools did fantastic, really engaging with the project and using various aspects of the project to supplement their classroom learning.
Gordon and I are quite sorry that our education projects have finished for the winter, its been great to be able to work with so many pupils and to see how well everybody has done. We will be working with another 12 schools for Rivers and Lochs in the Classroom this coming winter.
Below is a selection of photos and a video from the schools.
Source: Ayshire River Trust – Rivers and Lochs in the Classroom