SFCC ensures that mapping technology, data and support is made available to all of its members in the most efficient way. Mapping is increasingly being utilised by fisheries managers to understand the complex relationships between species and their environment. Mapping is also being used as a forward planning tool, for mobile data collection in the field and to communicate evidence and results to a public audience.
SFCC provides support to members on all aspects of mapping via phone and email.
Training delivery
An introduction to mapping training course and associated reference manual will continue to be offered by SFCC to meet member demand. This course introduces ESRI ArcGIS Pro software to create maps for fisheries management purposes and to create mobile field data collection tools allowing data to be collected directly to tablets while on the river. Please contact SFCC if you would like to find out more and register interest for courses.
Data provision
A ready-made mapping package of relevant layers for individual catchments will be provided to each member as part of their SFCC membership. This package includes rivers, lochs, catchments and a range of environmental information from all available sources. In addition, a list of mapping data sources for fisheries managers is kept up to date and made available. In addition to bespoke GIS services for members, SFCC maintains a publicly available Wild Fisheries Web Map, which contains a selection of relevant and publicly available layers. A web map containing woodland, land use and river temperature-related layers is also available.
Mobile/tablet field data collection
SFCC continues to work with members to co-ordinate the development of standard field data collection software templates for use in the field with smartphones or tablets.
Support available to members is summarised at the following link: Mapping service for SFCC members
Publicly available sources of information are also collated for members: Mapping data sources for fisheries managers
Westcountry Rivers Trust also developed an online introduction to mapping training resource which is available to SFCC members via login.