ASFB response to Scottish Planning Policy Review (January 2013) (pdf) January 1, 2013 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB-RAFTS response to SEPA’s River Basin Management Planning consultation (Feb 2013) (pdf) January 1, 2013 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to the Land Reform Review Group (January 2013) (pdf) January 1, 2013 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Consultation on The Draft Scottish Marine Regions Order 2013 (December 2012) (pdf) December 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd Application (November 2012) (pdf) November 1, 2012February 6, 2017 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to the marine license application for the MeyGen tidal power project (September 2012) (pdf) September 1, 2012February 6, 2017 Consultation Responses Publications
Additional comments to Defra on the North East Coast Review of the Net Limitation Order (September 2012) (pdf) September 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to the marine licence application for the Neart Na Gaoithe offshore windfarm project (September 2012) (pdf) September 1, 2012February 6, 2017 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB Comments on North East Coast Review of the Net Limitation Order (August 2012) (pdf) August 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB Comments on Proposals for an Integrated Framework of Environmental Regulation (August 2012) (pdf) August 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications