ASFB response to the Consultation on registerable marine activities and on marine licence applications requiring pre-application consultation (June 2012) (pdf) June 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB Reponse to the marine license application for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm project (June 2012) (pdf) June 1, 2012February 6, 2017 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to the marine licence application for the GSK tidal array project (May 2012) (pdf) May 1, 2012February 6, 2017 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Consultation on Proposed Amendments to General Binding Rules (April 2012) (pdf) April 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Consultation (Mar 2012) (pdf) March 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (Mar 2012) (pdf) March 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB-RAFTS reponse to SEPA consultation on improving the water environment without a significant adverse impact on renewable energy development (Feb 2012) (pdf) February 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
RAFTS-ASFB Submission to Woodland Expansion Advisory Group (Jan 2012) (pdf) January 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
Wild fisheries response to the informal consultation on the North East Coast Review of the Net Limitation Order (Jan 2012) (pdf) January 1, 2012 Consultation Responses Publications
ASFB response to Loch Ewe Aquaculture Framework Plan (Dec 2011) (pdf) December 1, 2011 Consultation Responses Publications