On Feb 5th our members and several guest organisations and woodland professionals gathered at Faskally by Pitlochry for a special themed riparian woodland meeting.
Nature photographer and communicator Peter Cairns provided a keynote and call-to-arms for landscape-scale environmental restoration. Jeremy Roberts outlined a unique project called Cairngorms Connect involving 4 different landowners who have come together to restore areas of the upper River Spey catchment. This was followed up by a sequence of guest speakers including Woodland Trust, Marine Scotland Science and Scottish Wildlife Trust. 3 fisheries trusts then presented a range of ongoing riparian restoration work and outlined plans for the future. To conclude the meeting attendees split up in to 5 discussion groups to debate and report back on key themes as summarised below.
Native Woodland Links & Resources:
Scotland River Temperature Monitoring Network – Guidance & Tools
Woodland Creation & Grant Scheme Resources – Scottish Forestry
Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS) – Scottish Forestry
Flood mapping and Natural Flood Management opportunities – Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Riparian woodland and water protection resources – Forest Research
Riparian woodland creation and extreme river temperatures case study – Scottish Natural Heritage
Optimising the Management of Riparian Buffer Strips to Enhance Biodiversity – SRUC Barony Campus
Research & Policy Briefings – SRUC Barony Campus
Upper Dee Riparian Restoration Scheme – The River Dee Trust
Woodland Trust Emergency Tree Plan for the UK – January 2020
Restoring Ancient Woodland – Woodland Trust
Woodland Work & Resources – Cairngorms National Park
The management of wild deer in Scotland: Deer Working Group report – February 2020
Riparian Woodland Information – Trees For Life
Native Woods Cooperative Scotland (Ltd)
Trout, salmon & riparian woodlands – Google Scholar literature search
Tree and seed suppliers:
Christie-Elite Nurseries Ltd, Forres