Plans have been unveiled for peatland restoration and woodland creation in the north east, that aims to capture over 1.4 million tonnes of carbon.

The plans include extensive peatland restoration and new planting at Glen Dye Moor (Pic: Landfor)

Par Equity (‘Par’), the Scottish-based forestry investment fund manager and Aviva Investors have established an investment vehicle which has acquired 6,300 hectares of moorland in the Glen Dye area of West Aberdeenshire as its first investment.

Following detailed public and statutory consultation, applications will be made to undertake extensive peatland restoration work across c.1800 hectares and new planting over c.3000 hectares, including up to 1,000 hectares of productive conifer and 2,000 hectares of native woodland.

The project will be designed, implemented and managed by Scottish Woodlands Ltd, one of the UK’s leading forestry management organisations and undertaken over five years.