Invasive, non-native species such as Pink salmon, escaped farmed fish and outbreaks of disease can all cause serious problems for our native, wild Atlantic salmon. Gathering information on these issues helps fisheries managers understand the extent of the problem and informs where and when management action can be directed to tackle these threats. To aid the range of data collected nationwide, the Scottish Fisheries Co-ordination Centre and Fisheries Management Scotland have developed publicly available online-based survey apps. These surveys can be completed online via desktop or 'on the move' via downloading the Survey123 App (see links below) onto your mobile/tablet device.
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) were originally introduced to some Russian rivers in the 1960s, and they have slowly spread westwards to colonise some northern Norwegian rivers. Since 2017, they have been appearing in UK rivers in larger numbers. Due to their life cycle they will usually appear in odd years. Click the image to report a pink salmon or to see more information we are undertaking in relation to pink salmon.
Our wild salmon and sea trout are a vital part of Scotland’s heritage and are genetically adapted to life in the wild. Farmed salmon are domesticated strains of salmon which are bred to thrive in a farm environment, and are not adapted to surviving in the wild. Escapes of farmed salmon can have negative impacts on wild salmon populations through genetic impacts arising from interbreeding.
There are a number of diseases which have the potential to impact wild fish. Fungal infections, Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis, Infectious Salmon Anemia, Gillpox, Gyrodactylus salaris, and Red Skin disease are some examples. Click on the image to report fish disease using our app and to read more information on the work we are undertaking to assist Marine Scotland with collecting data on Fish disease.
Invasive non-native species (INNS), sometimes referred to as 'invasive alien species', are those non-native species that can spread rapidly and become dominant in an area or ecosystem, causing adverse ecological, environmental and economic impacts. It is important to remember that, while there are over 900 non-native species in Scotland, only a minority become invasive, but these few can have serious negative impacts. We need information on where invasive non-native species occur to support management including biosecurity and, in some cases, eradication. You can make a report through Scotland's Environment Web, managed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).