Scottish Fisheries Coordination Centre provide introductory and team leader level electrofishing qualifications.  The courses are delivered in early summer each year in Galloway and Inverness. SFCC also provide a 1-day team leader electrofishing refresher course annually online or at the Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, by Pitlochry.

To safeguard our trainers and candidates we are limiting the numbers of people on the courses, as well as implementing social distancing measures and sanitation. Details of course dates and venues can be found on our events calendar when they are live.

There are no pre-requisites for attending the introductory training course. The pre-requisites for attending the team leader course are explained in our Candidate Experience Form. Introductory-level qualifications gained out with Scotland are also valid and permit attendance on the team leader course.

Terms & Conditions
For the introductory or team leader course, proof of a valid first aid certificate is not required for SFCC accreditation to be granted. A valid first aid qualification is also not a pre-requisite for attending the course. It is the responsibility of the attendee’s employer to ensure that appropriate first aid training and certification is achieved before undertaking electrofishing or other field work. SFCC does not accept liability for any injuries sustained while electrofishing. SFCC recommend candidates hold an appropriate first aid qualification such as the two day Outdoor First Aid qualification issued by a regulated First Aid Provider such as ITC or equivalent, as this is appropriate for the environment in which candidates operate and will meet HSE requirements.

Cancellation Policy
In the circumstance you need to cancel a course booking, please refer to SFCC’s Cancellation Policy.